Lawmakers from cattle producing states are seeing red following a 571-page federal report that that encourages Americans to go green. A panel of nutrition experts recruited by the Obama administration to craft the newest dietary guidelines suggested last week that the government should consider the environment when deciding what people should eat. The report, which was presented to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, bills itself as a way to "transform the food system" and that's got a lot of people in the heartland and those elected to represent them in Washington fuming. The report, which is open for public comment for 45 days, will be used by the government not only to mold dietary guidelines but also used as the basis for government food assistance programs as well as school lunch programs, worth an estimated $16 billion annually. The North American Meat Institute slammed the report, calling it "flawed" and "nonsensical." Members of the meat industry as well as those from soda makers, say the panel has gone "beyond its scope." (
Adidas shoes | Nike Shoes, Sneakers & AccessoriesGreen Point, veggie fast food in the heart of Zagreb, is supporting Green Monday campaign which aims to encourage people to consume plant-based food at least one day a week. Green Point joined Green Monday by signing a Green Monday Declaration, pledging to encourage staff and customers to commit to Green Monday, providing written support for the campaign, setting posters and leaflets in the restaurant and support Green Monday through web pages and social networks. We invite you to try some of the vegan hot and wok dishes, burgers (we recommend the hemp burger), salads, smoothies and desserts from their offer!
Nike air jordan Sneakers | 【国内4月24日発売予定】ナイキ ウィメンズ エア アクア リフト 全2色 - スニーカーウォーズCoconut milk is like soy milk's younger, cooler competition in the non-dairy market, and it made its Starbucks debut on February 17. Starbucks hopes its coconut milk alternative, which is certified vegan, will fair well with those who have dietary restrictions, or for those who are simply "curious." Though coconut milk has less protein than soy milk, it's generally used by people with tree nut allergies or, as stated above, for those who live a vegan lifestyle. According to a Starbucks press release, demand's been through the roof, so customers might not mind paying an extra 60 cents for their coconut milk. (
Best Sneakers | Best Nike Air Max Shoes 2021 , Air Max Releases and DealsMost people know David Duchonvny as an actor but with a new book out tackling the issue of veganism and animal rights in fiction form, he is ready to be known as a writer. Duchovny spoke to The Los Angeles Times about his new project, a fable for adults called Holy Cow. The book tells the story of Elsie Bovary, a cow that leads another two animal characters in their plight to escape a farm so they won’t become dinner. Duchovny, a former vegetarian-turned-pescetarian , drives an electric car and has a green home, so it's no surprise all of the topics of animal rights and the effects of meat eating on the planet are touched upon in the novel. Duchovny will be reading and signing his novel Holy Cow at Barnes & Noble at the Grove on Feb 18. The book is available in bookstores in the U.S. since Feb 3. (
Adidas shoes | Ανδρικά NikeWest coast vegans, your prayers have been answered! A vegan cheese shop has opened its doors in Los Angeles. The man behind this genius idea is chef Youssef Fakhouri who not only makes delicious cheese with no animal products but also has come up with the best vegan cheese shop name ever: Vromage. “There’s a whole world interested in non dairy cheese,” he explains. “I wanted to make cheese the way Europeans make cheese,” he told the LA Times. “That other [vegan cheese], that’s not cheese. It doesn’t even taste good.” Fakhouri wasn’t always a vegan. He owned a restaurant that offered meat in its menu until he moved to Los Angeles and started eliminating animal products from his diet. A friend challenged him to come up with a tastier version of vegan cheese and he did, now opening the second vegan cheese shop in the United States. (
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