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Broccoli Soup with Crouton


Broccoli head


Salt and pepper









Separate the broccoli and steam it. Try to stick a fork in it – when the fork goes through, it’s done. Then put it into a blender, add salt and pepper, and pour in a little bit of water. Grind in a blender until it gets creamy - if necessary, add more salt, pepper and water.
While broccoli is steaming you can prepare croutons. Cut stale bread into cubes. Pour them in a frying pan with a little bit of olive oil and bake until they get crispy.
Serve the soup with croutons on top. If you feel very decadent, pour it all together with a little olive oil when it is already on the table.

Source: Fresh.hr. The recipe has been prepared by Marko Ćustić. It is a property of Fresh.hr and further copying is not allowed.

Photo: Fresh.hr

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