1 cup of almonds
Vanilla essence (Optional)
Soak almonds overnight in plenty of water. Throw away the water and put almonds into the blender with three cups of fresh water (750ml). Blend for about 5 minutes (it can be less if you have one of those super modern blenders -- five minutes in a Vitamix and the milk would boil!). At the end, add a small pinch of salt and, if desired, a few drops of vanilla essence.
Draining the almond milk
Prepare a bowl and lay a cloth over it for percolation. The cloth from cheese manufacturers is normal, but a large gauze from the pharmacy is pretty good solution. Grab all the corners of the cloth, lift them up and start squeezing the milk. You can start by slowly twisting the cloth and pushing the mass into the middle until it’s completely drained.
Pour the milk into a clean bottle and keep it in the refrigerator. Use it within a few days and do not forget to shake it each time you use it. It will sediment because it doesn’t contain additives.
Almond flour
Dry the solid that remains in the sponge, preferably place it on baking paper in the oven at low temperature, in the dehydrator or in the sun. Store it in a dry jar and use it as desired.
Source: The recipe has been prepared by Marko Ćustić. It is a property of and further copying is not allowed.
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